Portrait in charcoal

quick fine-liner sketch



pencil drawing from a set of four drawings.
The magnificent old Rolls Royce engine lay rusting away in an old military waste-yard.
The only remaining evidence being my photos and sketches nowadays.
The magnificent old Rolls Royce engine lay rusting away in an old military waste-yard.
The only remaining evidence being my photos and sketches nowadays.

ink sketch of part of an old train no longer in use.
Much like the interesting life-lines on old faces too :)
Much like the interesting life-lines on old faces too :)

charcoal of one of my favourite forms of female figure study - feminine flowing lines

Charcoal drawing

pencil series i called "barefoot and in the kitchen"
(together with the urban myth that a longer second toe is supposed to be sexy)
(together with the urban myth that a longer second toe is supposed to be sexy)

from mary-had-a-little-lamb innocence through to objectification of the female form, alice-in-wonderland's tweedledee & tweedledumb, three 'wise-men' as hear-say and see no evil...goodness me it's a long story really :)
We had been given the brief to contextualise and tell a story,visually, with use of human figures.
We had been given the brief to contextualise and tell a story,visually, with use of human figures.

self-portrait in charcoal

few more figure studies in charcoal

smoking muse

linda and lezette, secure in sweet slumber

kiddy portraits
(charcoal sketches from photos provided)
(charcoal sketches from photos provided)

etched tile printed onto salt-bag

Mixed media portrait on paper of beautiful Abedah

slightly zoomed in view of the previous mixed-media portrait
(ink, charcoal, watercolour pencil and enamel)

The first in an ongoing series called Visceral Consciousness.
Ink and watercolour pencil on paper.

White ink, pencil and acrylic on black paper - another in the Visceral Consciousness series